Treasurer Training

We have developed the following to understand our legal requirements:

Starting Our Texas General Purpose PAC

Extract and Amended from Texas Ethics Commission Campaign Finance Guide for PACs

Treasurer's Reports

The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) also offers the following training for general-purpose Political Action Committees (which we used to develop the materials above):

Are We a Pac? If So, What Do We Need to Do? (April 2021)

Campaign Finance Guide for Political Committees (January 1, 2022)

Political Advertising- What You Need To Know (July 16, 2019)

Report Filing Schedule

Failure to maintain a Treasurer and failure to file reports on time results in the TEC fining the Treasurer (and indirectly the Political Action Committee)!!

We encourage all of our members to review the trainings to understand the laws and regulations that guide us and inform what we do (and helps us to avoid fines and penalties).